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QRATM: O-Ring Testing Tips
QRATM:O 形圈测试技巧

• Use QCI Vial. The practitioner should use the QCI Vial on their own GV-20 to repolarize their own biofield before testing each patient and testing products. If the practitioner’s three key head points test off and he/she is testing bad products, the products may sometimes appear to test “good” when in fact the testing procedure was faulty.
• 使用QCI小瓶。在测试每位患者和测试产品之前,从业者应该在他们自己的 GV-20 上使用 QCI 小瓶来重新极化他们自己的生物场。如果从业者的三个关键点测试不合格,并且他/她正在测试不良产品,则产品有时可能看起来测试“好”,但实际上测试程序有问题。

• Polarity. For best positioning, the practitioner should stand facing north, with patient facing the east or west so the practitioner is perpendicular to the patient (or the practitioner may face east with the patient facing north). Future testing at a later time should be performed in a similar, uniform fashion.
• 极性。为获得最佳位置,从业者应面向北站立,患者面向东或西,因此从业者与患者垂直(或从业者面朝东,患者面朝北)。以后的测试应该以类似的、统一的方式进行。

• Avoid Electromagnetic Fields. During testing, the practitioner and patient should avoid standing within 2 feet of the wall (i.e. the neuro-fatiguing frequencies of AC[alternating current] emanate within 1 to 2 feet of the wall) which can abnormally alter muscle responses. In addition, avoid standing near other sources of toxic electro-magnetic frequencies (for example: standing within a few feet of a large appliance, such as a refrigerator, a running motor, an A/C unit, etc.) These fields can disrupt the patient’s normal electromagnetic meridian flow and create abnormal testing responses.
• 避免电磁场。在测试期间,从业者和患者应避免站在距离墙壁2英尺以内(即 AC[交流电] 的神经疲劳频率在墙壁的 1 到 2 英尺范围内发出),这会异常改变肌肉反应。此外,避免站在其他有毒电磁频率源附近(例如:站在冰箱、运行中的电机、空调装置等大型电器的几英尺内)这些场会干扰病人的正常电磁经络流动并产生异常的测试反应。

• Metal Jewelry. Before testing, it is recommended for the patient to take off all metallic jewelry, including necklaces,
bracelets, rings, earrings, etc. Also, before testing, remove watches with batteries (i.e. the EMFs of the battery can impede normal meridian flow and act as a sedating agent over the acupuncture points where the watch is placed.) which can create an abnormally weakened muscle test response. If a patient chooses to wear battery operated devices on their body, they should use a DC protector.

• Chest Height. The practitioner should perform the O-Ring Testing procedure approximately at his/her chest height. The practitioner should not be bent over, pulled to one side, stretched, etc.
• 胸高。从业者应该在大约他/她的胸部高度执行 O 形圈测试程序。练习者不应弯腰、拉向一侧、伸展等。

• Finger Lock Strength. The practitioner should begin the O-Ring Test by using the patient’s thumb and middle finger as the testing fingers, with the palm of the patient’s hand face up.
• 手指锁定强度。从业者应使用患者的拇指和中指作为测试手指开始 O 形圈测试,患者手掌朝上。

• Clear “O” Shape. For the O-Ring Test, the patient should form a round, circular “O” with his/her opposing thumb and finger. Avoid allowing the patient close down the “O” into an oval or straightening the fingers out so they are flat against each other.
• 清除“O”形。对于 O 形圈测试,患者应该用他/她的拇指和手指形成一个圆形的圆形“O”。避免让患者将“O”闭合成椭圆形或将手指伸直以使它们彼此平贴。

• Very Long Fingernails. If a patient has very long fingernails and is unable to make a clear “O” shape, then slightly offset the finger pads against each other (to allow room for the fingernails) and make as clear an “O” as possible.
• 非常长的指甲。如果患者的指甲很长并且无法形成清晰的“O”形,则将指垫彼此稍微偏移(为指甲留出空间)并尽可能形成清晰的“O”形。

• Practitioner’s Test Position. The practitioner should position his/her fingers of one hand around the patient’s thumb and the fingers of his/her other hand around the patient’s test finger (usually the middle finger). The practitioner should anchor his/her hand position against the patient’s hand.
• 从业者的测试位置。执业者应将一只手的手指放在患者的拇指上,另一只手的手指放在患者的测试指(通常是中指)上。执业者应将他/她的手固定在患者的手上。

• Clear Verbal Signal. Right before the practitioner muscle-tests the O-Ring of the patient, the practitioner should verbally give the patient a clear verbal signal that he/she is about to test, such as saying, “Please hold” or “Resist” or “Hold as strong as you can.” This readies the patient to begin to resist. Do not catch the patient off-guard when testing – it may give a false muscle weakness.
• 清晰的口头信号。在执业医师对患者的 O 形圈进行肌肉测试之前,执业医师应口头给患者一个他/她将要测试的明确口头信号,例如说“请握住”或“抵抗”或“握住”尽你所能。”这使患者准备好开始抵抗。测试时不要让患者措手不及——这可能会导致假的肌肉无力。

• Firm Muscle Lock. The first goal of testing the patient’s O-Ring is to: 1) get a firm muscle “lock” of the patient’s thumb and middle finger together and 2) to be able to see a slight spread of the tips of the patient’s thumb and finger (without breaking the O-Ring) when the practitioner slightly stresses the O-Ring further.
• 牢固的肌肉锁。测试患者 O 形圈的第一个目标是:1) 使患者的拇指和中指牢固地“锁定”在一起,2) 能够看到患者拇指和手指尖端的轻微伸展(在不破坏 O 形圈的情况下)当执业医师进一步略微强调 O 形圈时。

• Too Strong. If the strength of the patient’s middle finger is too great (i.e. the practitioner does not see a slight spread of the finger tips when stressing the O-Ring Test), then the patient’s finger strength is too strong for reliable testing. Repeat the O-Ring Test using the patient’s thumb and ring finger (i.e. a weaker finger). If the ring finger is too strong (i.e. there is no finger tip spread upon stressing the O-Ring), then use the little finger to test.
• 太强大。如果患者中指的力度太大(即,医生在对 O 型圈测试施压时看不到指尖的轻微伸展),则患者的手指力度太强,无法进行可靠的测试。使用患者的拇指和无名指(即较弱的手指)重复 O 形环测试。如果无名指太强壮(即在压 O 形环时没有指尖展开),则使用小指进行测试。

• Too Weak. If the practitioner is unable to get a firm muscle “lock” when testing the patient’s thumb and middle finger, then the patient is un-testable. Instead, the practitioner may use a surrogate for testing. A common cause of inability to get a strong muscle lock (with any finger combination): a weakened Spine/Bone Metabolism Point (GV-14, C7-T1).
• 太弱。如果从业者在测试患者的拇指和中指时无法获得牢固的肌肉“锁定”,则该患者是不可测试的。相反,从业者可以使用替代品进行测试。无法获得强大肌肉锁定(使用任何手指组合)的常见原因:脊柱/骨骼代谢点(GV-14,C7-T1)减弱。

• Recruiting. Watch for recruiting by the patient when performing the O-Ring Test. During the O-Ring test, the patientmay inadvertently turn their hand slightly downwards in order to obtain a strength advantage. Instruct the patient to keep the palm of their hand face up and avoid recruiting. It is important to perform the O-Ring Test consistently from test to test.
• 招聘。在执行 O 形环测试时注意患者的招募。在 O 形环测试期间,患者可能会不经意地将手稍微向下转动以获得力量优势。指导患者保持手掌面朝上,避免招募。从测试到测试始终如一地执行 O 形圈测试非常重要。

• Testing in the Clear. Always “test in the clear” before testing anything else. This means that when the practitioner performs the O-Ring Test, the other hand of the patient should not be holding anything or touching anything, including any part of their own body. If the muscle test is not strong when “testing in the clear”, then the practitioner may not proceed to test. To begin O-Ring Testing, the patient must first test strong when tested “in the clear”.
• 明文测试。在测试其他任何东西之前,始终“无条件测试”。这意味着当从业者进行 O 形圈测试时,患者的另一只手不应拿着任何东西或接触任何东西,包括他们自己身体的任何部分。如果在“明场测试”时肌肉测试不强,那么从业者可能不会继续测试。要开始 O 形圈测试,患者必须首先在“清晰”测试时进行强力测试。

• If one hand tests weak; use the other one. If the practitioner tests one hand of the patient and he/she is unable to get a clear, firm muscle “lock”, then switch sides and use the patient’s other hand. Often, a patient may have weakermuscles on one side, but not the other. Therefore, in some cases, one hand may be used for the O-Ring Test but not the other hand. If so, please note in the patient’s chart, so the same hand is used for testing until the other hand is strengthened.
• 如果一只手测试弱;使用另一个。 如果从业者测试患者的一只手并且他/她无法获得清晰、牢固的肌肉“锁定”,则换边并使用患者的另一只手。 通常,患者一侧的肌肉较弱,而另一侧则没有。 因此,在某些情况下,可以使用一只手进行 O 形圈测试,而不能使用另一只手。 如果是这样,请在患者图表中注明,因此使用同一只手进行测试,直到另一只手得到加强。

• Both hands test weak. If neither hand of the patient is able to give a clear, firm lock, then the patient is not testable. In this case, surrogate testing is needed.
• 双手测试弱。 如果患者的两只手都不能给出清晰、牢固的锁定,则该患者是不可测试的。 在这种情况下,需要进行替代测试。

• Eyes Open. Patient should keep eyes open during testing.
• 睁开眼睛。 患者在测试过程中应睁大眼睛。

• Stand up when testing. Although it is okay to QRATM test with both practitioner and patient sitting, it is preferable for both to stand up during testing if possible. It is much easier and more precise to test abdominal points in the standing position.
• 测试时站起来。 尽管在医生和患者都坐着的情况下进行 QRATM 测试是可以的,但如果可能的话,最好让他们在测试期间都站起来。 在站立位置测试腹部点更容易和更精确。



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