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发表于 2021-4-21 02:27:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
What People Say about the Silva Method

Jack Canfield on Silva Mehtod
I've been involved for 39 years in the human potential movement. I've taken hundreds and hundreds of groups studied every approach and methodology that I've ever found and I want to tell you that the Silva Method is one of the most profound approaches to human potential development that I've ever discovered.

Jack Canfield
American author, motivational speaker, co-author of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series

"Confidence in methods taught by Silva"

Based on the newest findings from Harvard's recent genetic study on the effects of relaxation, breathing awareness, and positive guided imagery, I feel confident that many of the methods, as taught by Silva International, can stimulate gene expression in the brain that are involved in reducing physical and psychological stress and boosting immune functioning.Mark further reports that researchers are noticing that the placebo effect is getting stronger; although the news media is giving this little attention

Mark Robert Waldman
Associate Fellow, Center for Spirituality and the Mind, University of Pennsylvania Adjunct Faculty, Executive MBA Program, Loyola Marymount University
United States



"With Ken & Scott's help, I know 1000% that money is my friend, money is very close..."

I always thought money was very far away from me and was very difficult to find. But with Ken & Scott's help, I know 1000% that money is my friend, money is very close, money wants to be with me and money is always there.

Chan Juu Ann
Ludwig Senior Business Lead APAC
Shanghai, China


"I doubled my revenue and I reimbursed 11,000 USD of debt in one year"

I'm a French entrepreneur in China, but I used to be a wealthy expat for 8 years in Asia making 6 figures.
I hated my job, and this definitely wasn't "happy money". As a result, the money kept burning through my fingers: I was the spender profile. Somehow I didn't feel I deserved that money, so unconsciously I was doing whatever I could to get rid of it as quickly as possible: spending lavish amounts in restaurants, designer brands, clothes... "Money came in but didn't stay".

8 years ago after a burnout I made the big scary jump to leave the corporate and start my own wellness business in Hong Kong and China.
But because my attitude towards money hadn't changed, I started not only using up my savings very fast but also accumulating credit card debts with huge interest rates.
This time the money wasn't spent on "stupid things", as I used it to build my business, but it was still burning faster than I wanted. I became the "worrier" money type. Making myself mentally and physically worried sick for money.
Even when I had enough, I would still worry "what about if tomorrow it's not enough again", and the madness continued. I was the one creating that unbearable scarcity in my life. No one else did.

In 2017 I contemplated suicide: I had used up ALL my savings, I had accumulated 15,000 USD of credit card debt, the bank was threatening me to block my last credit card, I didn't know how to pay rent and had less than 5 dollars of cash to eat, with a deep feeling of failure and shame.
The ironic thing was that my products were successful in China, people liked my brand, and my area of business was booming in Asia. So why? I decided to ask the help of a Millionaire y friend in Switzerland. I asked her to lend me 16K USD just to cover my credit card debt and start fresh again. She accepted. I got the money, I remember I received it in a total state of scarcity: with shame, fear (that it would go too fast) and guilt. I did not even take time to celebrate: I made the transfer very quickly to cover the debt with a knot in my stomach (I didn't know "arigato out" unfortunately) and didn't do anything special to mark the end of my debt.
I thought it would be the end of my troubles, but it wasn't.
In less than a year, I'm ashamed to say I piled up credit card debts again to the exact same amount before my friend had lent me money: 15K USD. You would think "this woman is totally irresponsible, can't she control herself from spending". But the crazy thing is this: this money just went to survival. Food and rent and keeping myself barely afloat. I didn't buy anything, I didn't go on a holiday, I didn't treat myself. This was the giant slap in my face to realize my problem is not about money. It's about my attitude towards it. My wounding and my unconscious self-sabotaging. If money was the solution, then my friend loan would have solved it and it didn't.

This is when I started looking for solutions.

When you ask help, it comes. It first took the form of Deepak Chopra - 21 days of the abundance meditation program. It was very useful in making me realize my own negativity towards money, and my scarcity mindset.
And then the Ken Honda program came to me in answer to my prayers. I had never heard before of the art of healing money wounds, and this resonated very deeply with me.
I signed up thanks to the big discount offered, I remember going to the box where I had locked my last credit card, and saying to myself "this has to work". And what happened was extraordinary.

I took the quest for the first time in March 2020, so not even a year ago, and my reality has changed dramatically since then. I doubled my revenue (even with covid constraints). I reimbursed 11,000 USD of debt in one year. I increased my overall wellness and comfort but more than anything else: I stopped worrying about money.

Thanks to the program, I learned to reprogram my mind more positively. I worked on my past wounds and identified them. I can't say the shift was instant, but week by week I learned to develop a more trusting, positive, abundant mindset, and money followed.

I could expand my business, move to a more comfortable home, repay almost all my debts (still working on it!) and even afford a bit of holiday and shopping. With a big gratitude in my heart this time.
And then I decided to do the quest a second time in November this year (which I would warmly recommend to anyone having done it), because the content is so rich and profound that I feel I needed to go back to it.

As I was doing it for the second time, one day I went to a meditation class in my community. The Mindfulness coach came to me and literally, from nowhere, asked me this question: are you a rich person? Do you not need to work? I was totally caught by surprise, it was such an odd question. I don't know if it was something I was wearing, or simply energy emanating from me, but I took it as an external confirmation that something in me had changed. I felt wealthy, and as a result, people looked at me as being a wealthy woman. It was as simple as that. Everything was in my mind.

If you are reading this and still hesitating to take the course, I can't encourage you enough to go ahead and do it. this program is a true blessing. And your reality does start to shift instantly as you start doing the work, it's unbelievable.

As I finished doing the course for the 2d time, there is this exercise called "the stretchy sweater", where we need to visualize doubling / tripling our revenue. When I read my notes from the first quest, I was baffled to realise that I am now making what I wrote in January "would feel incredibly luxurious and prosperous". And so now I could stretch my money container further, and I'm so excited to see what happens in the coming few months.

Thank you so much Ken Honda, Scott W Mills, and the Mindvalley team for putting together such an invaluable content. It's the best happy money I have ever invested in my entire life.
I can't believe so many people live in scarcity crushed by debts, not knowing there is a way out, and this quest is like Ken Honda taking us by the hand for a lovely walk in a blooming sakura park, saying: "look it's here. It was always there. Only you couldn't see. Now you can".

Audrey Tournier
Founder of Slow Living
Shenzhen, China


“I can learn anything and remember more than ever before”

Mindvalley and the Superbrain Quest has given me the confidence to move forward with the dream and make it a reality. I can't thank you enough for making all the Mindvalley material so accessible and simple that anyone can follow and understand.
Mindvalley really has changed my life. Thank you.
Having just completed the Super Brain program, I have to say, I loved the simplicity of the learnings. It was easy to commit a few minutes everyday and the amount you learn and absorb is mind blowing. I believe all high school students should take this quest, I would have done so much better in school had I used these strategies for learning.
I haven't had to write a grocery list or a to do list in weeks as now I use the body folder technique and Jim's office to remember all sorts of things. I also have the confidence to try and succeed at a new learnings. I know that by using several of the tools Jim provided, I can learn anything and remember more than ever before. I can now confidently move forward into realizing several dreams I've had of becoming a nutritionist and fitness expert. Thank you Mindvalley!

Jackie Scott
Hong Kong, China


"To feel good instead of bad every time you spend or receive money alone raises your quality of life"

Hi! I'm a Swedish expat living in China. Before doing this program I was always scared around money, even though I've managed to control many other areas of life.

At some point I realized that what was holding me back the most was my ignorance and fear around money. I've already managed to improve my social skills, relationships, mental and physical health, among other things, by studying what works. It then dawned on me that I should do the same to get my finances under control, and as if by magic, it didn't take long until I saw an ad for Ken's masterclass on Facebook.
After watching it, trying the Arigato technique and feeling how powerful it was, I decided to shut my ego up and buy this program.

While I haven't seen my finances improve drastically yet, my mindset has shifted in many ways. I'm now far less fearful about spending money on education, and about spending money in general.
I've started shifting my mindset around the prospect of taking financial risks, so I'm no longer scared to death of taking controlled risks. Another interesting thing is that more things related to money mindset tends to appear all around me, one thing that resonated particularly well was a picture on Facebook saying that the difference between the rich and the poor is that the poor say: "I can't afford it" While the rich say: "How can I afford it?" At some point there will be financial rewards for learning this program, that I know for sure.

Before I was scared of money and learning about it, now I'm embracing it, even though some of the fear still remains, but I'm watching it. As such I would gladly recommend this program to anyone desiring to have a healthy relationship with money. The Arigato technique alone is well worth the price of admission. To feel good instead of bad every time you spend or receive money alone raises your quality of life. I will definitely retake this course once it is finished, to ensure that all the wealth contained within will be put to good use. Arigato Ken, Scott & Vishen!

Gunnar Ryrholm
English Teacher
Xi'an, China


"I read faster than I used to so I don't feel as much overload information"

Thanks Jim and your team for all your hard work of putting together this wonderful course.

Before I joined this problem I tend to be solving my daily problems with my computer all the way from trying various to-do list apps to making small programs to solve my work related problems. Although back in time I often praised myself for being able to program (self taught) so it meant I could learn anything at will.
But later I found out my limitation and this limitation all comes to time and energy.

So I decided to upgrade my CPU (Brain) by joining Superbrain and intended to enjoy the possible benefits of both human and computer world combined.

I enjoy creating new habits and through practicing and practicing I started to feel the lifestyle changing:
- I woke at 6 every morning for rountine as opposed to 8 by my kids.
- I read faster than I used to so I don't feel as much overload information.
- I plan more in advance so I get less grumpy when work gets demanding The way I face problems has changed too in a more achievable manner. With this super memory/brain I can recall some hard code information that used to be only available on my Phone or Ipad back in the time, now I can summon them at will. I started this course in May, been practising it solo, and when I hit the lecture on 5 levels of learning. I decided to start watching it all over from the beginning again. (Excepted this time I am starting a couching buddy, my dear elder brother. ) I never imagine myself couching and can be couching the one who always couches me from young.

Once again, thanks Jim. Living someone's life has been the past for me. And you are right, life has just started. Cheers! Paco

Ho Kai Ip
Medical sales representative
Macao, China




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