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Silva Ultramind Solutions 西瓦超意识解决方案

发表于 2020-12-14 08:52:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Silva Ultramind Solutions 西瓦超意识解决方案
这是真正的交易, 这就是荷西西瓦的研究:

Silva UltraMind ESP Systems Complete Home Seminar
This is the real deal, this is what Jose Silva’s research is all about:
Developing your natural God-given intuition and learning to use it reliably to help you in all areas of your business and personal life.
There are a lot of videos online with “Silva techniques.” They are only byproducts of his research. The essence of his research and the greatest value came when he found a way to train psychics.
You can do more than detect what other people are thinking and planning: You can project your thoughts and feelings to other people’s brains.
More than a million people who have attended a Silva seminar do not have to imagine – for them it is a reality. Now you can learn Jose Silva’s UltraMind ESP Systems with these mp3 audio downloads that are yours to keep and review whenever you like.
Includes one free Application Program of your choice, to help you actually use your ESP in the area of life that is most important to you right now.
To learn more about ESP click here.
Note to iPhone and iPad users: To download this product and others directly from the Apple website please click here.
If you need a Payment Plan, please click on the Payments tab below.
If you need more help, there are several mentoring options available.
If you prefer, you can buy an Audio CD/DVD version from our friends at MindPerk.

这是真正的交易, 这就是何塞 · 席尔瓦的研究:
注意:互联网上有很多关于何塞·席尔瓦的作品和他创作的课程的材料...但实际的 Ultramind Esp 系统课程 — — 调理周期 — 不在互联网上是免费的。
你学会用更多的头脑,用一种特殊的方式,与调理周期 - 心理练习。它们是课程 - 调节周期:投影到家,投影到金属,投影到叶子等。
如果您在互联网上看到任何这些调节周期是免费的, 请告诉我们, 我们将删除他们。当人们没有按正确的顺序通过它们时,就会感到困惑,因为您需要之前的经验才能采取下一步。
开发 ESP 需要做的一切 - 重要的是您这样做:
  • 从开始,按顺序收听录音(有一些会话的视频版本)。每一个都构建您以前在调节周期中所做的。你可以回去复习,但不要跳过。
  • 按照调理周期中的简单说明进行 - 心理训练练习。这些"精神健美操"教你如何用新的方式使用你的大脑和心灵。
  • 完成 11 个调节循环后,练习使用 ESP。
如果您这样做,并遵循说明 - 做我们指示你做什么 - 您将发展这种新技能: ESP
  • 避免误解,建立更牢固的关系。
  • 获取"隐藏"信息,以便您能做出更好的职业决策。
  • 了解问题的原因,并快速找到最佳解决方案。


这就是Silva Ultramind ESP系统: 使用更多的头脑, 以特殊的方式使用它。
学生报告简单的事情,如增强的想象力和创造力 - 更复杂的事情,如发展你天生的上帝赐予的直觉,并使用你的头脑解决困难的问题。
参加席尔瓦研讨会的100多万人不必想象——对他们来说,这是一个现实。现在,您可以学习 Jose Silva 的 UltraMind ESP 系统,帮助您在生活的所有领域:恢复和保持良好的健康;在您的业务和个人生活中实现关系;在你的职业。
包括 40 次音频课程、超过 15 小时的信息和 12 次心理训练练习,包括 Jose Silva 指导您完成实际的 ESP 体验。再加上 10 个 Windows 和真实视频格式的视频,以及 PDF 格式的书籍和课程手册。
要了解有关 ESP 的更多了解,请单击此处

DescriptionLearn to use your natural God-given intuition in 30 days or less在30天或更短的时间内学会运用你天生的直觉

This is the real deal, this is what Jose Silva’s research is all about:
Developing your natural God-given intuition and learning to use it reliably to help you in all areas of your business and personal life.

There are a lot of videos online with “Silva techniques.” They are only byproducts of his research. They are not the essence of his work or the true measure of his genius.

The essence of his research and the greatest value came when he found a way to train psychics.

You can do more than detect what other people are thinking and planning: You can project your thoughts and feelings to other people’s brains.
Note: There is a lot of material on the internet about Jose Silva’s work and the courses he created… but the actual UltraMind ESP Systems coursework – the conditioning cycles – is not on the internet for free.
注:在互联网上有很多关于Jose Silvas的工作和他创建的课程的材料…但是实际的超智能ESP系统的课程工作空调循环不是在互联网上免费的。


You learn to use more of your mind, and use it in a special manner, with the conditioning cycles – the mental exercises. They are the coursework – the conditioning cycles: the Projection to Home, Projection into Metals, Projection into Leaves, etc.

If you see any of those conditioning cycles on the internet for free, please let us know and we will have them removed. It gets confusing when people don’t go through them in the correct order, because you need the previous experience in order to take the next step.如果你看到任何那些调理周期在互联网上免费,请让我们知道,我们将有他们移除。当人们没有按照正确的顺序来阅读它们时,这会让人感到困惑,因为你需要之前的经验才能采取下一步。

All you need to do to develop your ESP – and it is important that you do it this way:

  • Start at the beginning and listen to the audio recordings in order (there are video versions of some of the sessions). Each one builds you what you did in the previous conditioning cycles. You can go back and review, but don’t skip ahead.从头开始,按顺序听录音(有些会议有视频版本)。每一个都建立了你在前一个条件周期中所做的事情。你可以回去复习,但不要跳过去。
  • Follow the simple instructions in the conditioning cycles – the mental training exercises. These “mental calisthenics” teach you how to use your brain and mind in a new way.在心理训练练习中遵循简单的指导。这些心智健身操教你如何用一种新的方式来使用你的大脑和心智。
  • Practice using your ESP after you have completed the 11 conditioning cycles.在完成11个调节周期后,练习使用ESP。

If you do that, and follow the instructions – do what we instruct you to do – you will develop this new skill: ESP

Imagine how this can help you to:

  • Avoid misunderstandings and build stronger relationships.
  • 避免误解,建立更牢固的关系。
  • Obtain “hidden” information so you can make better decisions about your career.
  • 获取隐藏的信息,这样你就能对你的职业生涯做出更好的决定。
  • Understand the cause of problems and quickly find the best solutions.
  • 了解问题产生的原因,迅速找到最佳解决方案。

You may think you know Silva after watching a few videos, reading some books, or listening to one of the introductory programs with some of the problem solving techniques.看了几段视频,读了一些书,或者听了一些介绍性的节目,你可能会认为你认识席尔瓦。

In order to know what Silva is really about you need to experience the complete ESP training. Now you can with these mp3 audio downloads that are yours to keep and review whenever you like.为了了解席尔瓦到底是什么,你需要体验完整的ESP训练。现在你可以用这些mp3音频下载,你可以随时保存和复习。

Please note: The Silva UltraMind ESP Systems in a course of instructions. It guides you step-by-step to develop your genius mind, so after you download the mp3 audio sessions, please go through the 10 conditioning cycles (mental exercises) in order the first time. Each one builds on what you did previously.
请注意:Silva UltraMind ESP系统在一个课程的说明。它引导你一步一步地发展你的天才思维,所以当你下载了mp3音频会话后,请第一次按顺序进行10个条件循环(思维练习)。每一个都建立在你以前所做的基础上。

If you need more help, there are several mentoring options available.

Start using your Genius Mind 启动你天才和天赋的大脑
Einstein said, “Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.

“I believe in intuitions and inspirations,” he continued. “I sometimes feel that I am right. I do not know that I am… [but] I would have been surprised if I had been wrong.”

That is what Jose Silva’s UltraMind ESP System is all about: Using more of your mind and using it in a special manner.
这就是西瓦超意识ESP系统Jose Silva’s UltraMind ESP System的全部内容:更多地使用你的大脑,并以一种特殊的方式使用它。

There is no limit to how far you can go; there is no limit to what you can do, because there is no limit to the power of your mind.

Students report simple things like enhanced imagination and creativity – to the more sophisticated things like developing your natural God-given intuition and using your mind to solve difficult problems.

Millions of people around the world have learned Jose Silva’s mind training Systems, and so can you. But a word of caution: this will change your life… for the better.

Imagine if you could detect hidden information, if you could tell what people are actually thinking, what their real wants and needs are, if you could tell what lies ahead for you, so that you could embrace it, or even change it if you wished.

More than a million people who have attended a Silva seminar do not have to imagine – for them it is a reality. Now you can learn Jose Silva’s UltraMind ESP System to help you in all areas of your life: To restore and maintain excellent health; for fulfilling relationships in your business and personal life; and in your vocation.

Includes 40 audio sessions, more than 15 hours of information and 12 mental training exercises, including Jose Silva guiding you through an actual ESP experience. Plus 10 videos in Windows and Real Video formats, and book and course manual in PDF format.

Free bonus
Includes one free Application Program of your choice, to help you apply your learned techniques to the area of life that is most important to you right now. Add additional Apps for half price, contact us for details after you buy the Home Seminar.
To learn more about ESP click here.
Note to iPhone and iPad users: To download this product and others directly from the Apple website please click here.
If you need a Payment Plan, please click on the Payments tab.

包括40个音频会议,超过15个小时的信息和12个心智训练练习,包括Jose Silva指导您通过一个实际的ESP经验。加上10个视窗和真实视频格式的视频,以及PDF格式的书籍和课程手册。



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